I love Okpa

Especially Okpa Nsukka

Okpa Nsukka

Okpa, pronounced as Ọkpa, is a traditional dish prepared by the Igbo people using a type of beans called Bambara nuts. It is a well-known delicacy in Enugu State, Nigeria, and holds cultural significance as a traditional Nigerian dish. While it is commonly associated with the Igbo culture, it is also enjoyed by people from other ethnic groups, often consumed either with pap or on its own. Outside of Igboland, Niger State is recognized for its prevalence. The dish is referred to by various names in Igbo, including ịgba and ntucha, while in Hausa, it is known as gurjiya or kwaruru. The key ingredients in okpa include Bambara nut flour, pepper, palm oil, and a modest amount of seasoning. Nutritionally, okpa is a well-balanced staple, containing approximately 16.92% crude protein, 4.93% fat, 26.62% carbohydrates, and providing an energy value of 216.28 kcal. This nutritional profile contributes to its status as one of the well-rounded staples in Nigerian cuisine.

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