📊 🎨 Data Viz Fun 🎨 📊

(featuring a 2020 stress-relief blackhole)

I'm learning about Data Visualization, Data Art, and Data Journalism. I created this page to share useful and interesting resources I have found along the way, and to provide a space to practice some basic HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Below you can check out some of the skills and tools I'm learning to use.

Things I'm learning

Some cool resources I've found

At this point you may be wondering "but Tara, where is this famous 2020 stress-relief blackhole?" Fear not! It's just a few lines away. By simply clicking the magical button below, you can madly type away your 2020 worries, woes, and thoughts. One sentence? Great. A few words? Fantastic. Feel like a key-board scream? Me too. You can even write a whole book. The internet blackhole is your oyster, so have at it. Then click "OK" to send anything you type to the ends of the internet. Just bare in mind: if you want to save anything that you'd like to refer back to, this is not the place. Quite frankly, this page is too simple to be able to collect, track, store, or really care about any data you enter. It goes nowhere. Gone.

Just like that. ✨ Poof. ✨ Forever.

So go ahead, click the button, and metaphorically obliterate your 2020 stress. Just make sure to save that book you're writing in a word document before dumping it here. 😊

Webpage Coded by Tara Dagostino