Factors to consider when moving to another country

How to prepare for a life altering experience

a woman sits next to moving boxes

Dreaming about living in another city, maybe another country? You might had been on vacation in Italy and loved the pasta (oh, yesss, in all shapes and forms) and said on one warm, breezy night while sitting under the starry sky: โ€œI wish I could stay here!โ€ and you have been dreaming about living there for a while.

This sounds like an exciting adventure, but let's face it, the reality of moving some place new can also be nerve-wracking as most of us might feel that we are out of our comfort zone. Not just a littleโ€ฆ There are many things to consider when moving to a new country temporarily or permanently, things you might haven't thought about.

Whether you are planning to move on a long term with your family or partner, move frequently by yourself as a digital nomad, maybe as a student who participates in an exchange program abroad for 2 semesters: it's worth taking a moment or two and consider the most important factors that can influence your decision:

As many of us lives on a budget, sometimes it takes years to accumulate enough savings to be able to jumpstart a new life in a new country. If you would like to get more information about the cost of living around the world and compare it to your current costs, click on the following ๐Ÿ”—links:

The process of moving abroad is daunting, but many people are choosing to try and start a new life somewhere else. If you would like to learn more about the factors mentioned above, connect with us below.