
An act of carrying and caring

Babywearing refers to carrying your baby on your body in a wrap, sling or baby carrier.
Babywearing enables parents to carry on with some day-to-day activities while carrying their baby in a hands-free way. This can also be really comforting for a baby who doesn´t like to be put down.

Babywearing is the act of a parent carrying or wearing a baby in a sling or baby carrier.
The practice of babywearing is hundreds of years old and is used in many different countries around the world. An early form of babywearing was practiced by Inuit women who wore a piece of clothing that had a large pouch at the back. This garment was called the amauti and it allowed a baby to sit against the mothers back.
In recent years, babywearing has become more prevalent in western countries due to the rise of attachment-style parenting that involves creating a close bond between a parent and baby through frequent bodily contact.

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