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by Dreamworks Production

In the animated film "Trolls," the story revolves around the contrasting worlds of the small, happy Trolls and the large, miserable Bergens. The Bergens believe they can only find happiness by consuming a Troll, leading to the annual tradition of Trollstice. However, the Trolls manage to escape, and Princess Poppy, their leader, leads a carefree life until Chef, the Bergen chef banished years ago, discovers their location. Poppy embarks on a perilous journey to rescue her kidnapped friends, joined reluctantly by the survivalist troll Branch. Through a series of events, including a roller rink date and a betrayal by Creek, the Trolls bring joy to Bergen Town, ending the feud between the two communities.

Say hi to the trolls!

The narrative explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the transformative power of music. The Trolls' vibrant personalities contrast with the Bergens' initial darkness, and the story emphasizes the capacity for happiness within oneself rather than relying on external sources. Poppy's optimism, coupled with Branch's eventual embrace of joy, leads to the reconciliation of the Trolls and the Bergens, marking a shift from a world of despair to one filled with color and harmony. The film concludes with Poppy becoming the Queen of the Trolls and sharing a romantic moment with Branch, underlining the overarching message of finding happiness within and spreading joy to others.

Coded by Fatin