Free Palestine

From the River to the Sea

Free Palestine

Why should we stand with Palestine?

If internationalist solidarity between oppressed peoples is not a compelling enough reason, it’s important to understand that the same imperialism oppressing Palestinians in Palestine is also oppressing you at home. The same forces of colonialism, supremacy, patriarchy and capitalistic exploitation that committed genocide against the natives, and repressed social justice and liberation movements all over the world are still alive and well, and are always looking for ways to maintain the status quo. Israel is an outpost of world imperialism in the Middle East, it is not supported by the West out of any altruistic intention to β€œmake up” for its genocidal past, it is supported because it aligns with and furthers its interests. For instance, Israel and the United States share violent policing tactics with each other to help suppress any kind of resistance. The same teargas grenades used on protestors in Ferguson are used on protestors in Palestine. The same surveillance and spying technologies tested on Palestinians find their way into the arsenal of other repressive regimes the world over.

Learn more on Palestinian Liberation