Guardians of Hope 🐾

Nourishing Stray Souls 🐱🐢 with Compassion


In the bustling streets and quiet corners, a silent struggle unfolds every day, unseen by many. Stray cats and dogs navigate a challenging existence, where survival is a constant battle against hunger, disease, and the harsh elements. Abandoned by fate or circumstances, these resilient creatures forge a life on the fringes of human society, scavenging for sustenance amidst the shadows of indifference.

Who We Are

We are a community of volunteers based in Jakarta and Bali, Indonesia, who love animals and care about their welfare. The rising population of stray cats and dogs is a pressing concern that echoes the silent suffering of those animals. Only through collective actions we can hope to alleviate the suffering, ensuring a more compassionate and sustainable coexistence between humans and animals.
We would love to connect and collaborate with any other communities, volunteers, or organizations who have the same mission with us, in any part of the world. 🌍

What We Do

Street Feeding and Education

Our regular program to visit different locations with high population of stray animals, to feed them while educating the locals about animal welfare. During our visit we are usually accompanied by a veterinarian from one of our partnering pet clinics. This program is sometimes combined with our vaccination program for stray animals. Anyone is welcome to join us on this program.


Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)

Our special program as a part of the humane and effective strategy in the ongoing battle against the overpopulation of stray animals (especially cats).This method involves trapping, spaying or neutering while providing them with veterinary care and ear tipping, and then returning them to their original. We always welcome new volunteers for this program. If you are interested, and you are comfortable with stray cats and dogs, please let us know.

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