Discover the Brazilian Northeastern Cuisine

Explore the delicious delicacies of the region

Cuscuz Nordestino

Northeastern Couscous

Northeastern couscous is a delicacy made from corn flakes or rice, steamed in a couscous. It is a versatile dish that can be served for both breakfast and dinner.

01 cup of corn flakes
1/2 cup water
01 pinch of salt

Add water halfway up the couscous bowl and set aside
Once the dough has rested, stir the mixture
Place in the couscous bowl without squeezing
Don't forget that the bottom of the couscous bowl has to contain water
Cover and place over low heat for approximately 8 minutes
Or until the couscous starts to give off a whiff of corn

Couscous soaked in milk
When the couscous comes off the heat, place it in a bowl
Pour the hot milk over the top until the couscous is submerged
Cover and let it sit until the couscous absorbs the milk, it's wonderful!

Couscous with dried meat
2 cups of corn flakes
1 cup of water
200g desalted jerky cooked and shredded
1/2 red and yellow bell pepper chopped
Salt and herbs to taste
3 hard-boiled eggs chopped
Minas cheese chopped to taste
Chopped black olives
1 small red onion chopped
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Chopped tomatoes to taste

In a container, place the flake
Season with salt and then add the water
Let it hydrate for 20 minutes
Add the other ingredients and mix well
Grease 6 ramekins of 210 ml with olive oil
Place a slice of egg on each ramekin
Then add the seasoned
flake mixture Microwave for 2 minutes
Serve with a salad of your choice or grated cheese
Yield: 6 servings

In addition to jerky, we can make it with scrambled eggs
Also shredded chicken breast, tuna, salmon or cod
For those who don't eat any type of meat, you can make it with vegetables.

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Acarajé is a delicacy made from black-eyed peas and fried in palm oil.

500g black-eyed peas
5 tablespoons grated onion
Salt to taste
3 cups of palm oil
200g desalted dried prawns for garnish
Soak the beans the day before
Peel the beans and blend in a food processor until it becomes a dough
Add the onion, salt and beat
Transfer to a large bowl and whisk with a spoon until doubled in volume
Fry in hot palm oil, by the spoonfuls
Drain on paper towels and set aside

Vatapá (filling)
2 fresh or stale French breads
3 glasses of coconut milk (600ml)
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
1/2 cup of roasted and shelled peanuts
1/2 cup of roasted cashew nuts
1 tablespoon of slivered ginger
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic
500g desalted dried prawns
Salt, black pepper and ground coriander to taste
1 chili pepper with seeds
1 tablespoon of red pepper sauce
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
1/2 cup of palm oil

Place the soaking bread in half of the coconut milk and let it sit for 2 hours
Blend the buns with the rest of the ingredients in a blender until blended
Minus the flour and palm oil
Bring to a boil and add a little by little
the rest of the coconut milk, flour and palm oil
Season with salt and simmer for 20 minutes or until set
3 tomatoes, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
Salt, black pepper and olive oil to taste

Mix the vinaigrette ingredients in a bowl and set aside
Cut the reserved acarajés in half and fill with the vatapá and vinaigrette
Garnish with the shrimp and serve yourself!

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Tapioca couscous

tapioca couscous is a Brazilian dish of Bahian origin based on couscous of Arab origin brought by the Portuguese, prepared from cassava starch, also known as tapioca and originating from indigenous cuisine.

500 g of granulated tapioca
2 cups of sugar
1 can of condensed milk
1 liter and 300 ml of water or milk
1 medium grated coconut

Place the tapioca along with the sugar on a serving platter
Boil the water or milk and pour it on top of this mixture
When it starts to form a paste, add half the grated coconut
Cover and muffle by wrapping in a dish towel or kitchen towel
When cool, sprinkle the rest of the grated coconut on top
Serve with condensed milk!

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I hope you like the recipes!