The Oldest Way to Make Bread

sourdough bread

Sourdough, or masa madre in Spanish which means literally the Mother Dough, is one of the oldest ways of making breads. The old Romans made their bread this way. It's a form of natural fermentation that uses bacteria in the air, the flour, and other environmental influences to create the gasses that make the dough rise. Dough rising means there are gasses being released, which in turn means you get nice springy, airy bread. As opposed to a thick stodgy dough. Many studies show that eating naturally fermented foods is easier on our digestion, and even aids in a healthy digestion. Not only is a true sourdough loaf more tasty, more crunchy on the outside, and nice and bouncy on the inside (it makes for really good toasties) , it is also better for our bodies!

You can read more about sourdough and wild yeasts here.

this page was built by Amber van der Steen