Type All Kind of Your Documents with L a T e X

A Wallpaper of LaTeX

1. What is L a T e X :

L a T e X (pronounced “LAY-tek” or “LAH-tek”) is a tool for typesetting professional-looking documents. However, L a T e X’s mode of operation is quite different to many other document-production applications you may have used, such as Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer: those “ WYSIWYG ” tools provide users with an interactive page into which they type and edit their text and apply various forms of styling. L a T e X works very differently: instead, your document is a plain text file interspersed with L a T e X commands used to express the desired (typeset) results.

To produce a visible, typeset document, your L a T e X file is processed by a piece of software called a TeX engine which uses the commands embedded in your text file to guide and control the typesetting process, converting the L a T e X commands and document text into a professionally typeset PDF file. This means you only need to focus on the content of your document and the computer, via L a T e X commands and the TeX engine, will take care of the visual appearance (formatting). You can learn more from Wikipedia .