Alpaca or Llama? 🦙

Did you know that, besides the llama and the alpaca, there are other South American camelids? In total, there are 4 main species: guanaco, vicuña, llama, and alpaca. Moreover, within these categories, we can find various subspecies

Image of Guanaco


Wild ancestors of llamas. Graceful, swift, and resilient, guanacos roam South America's rugged terrains. Their adaptability is a testament to nature's marvel. Discover their world!

Image of Vicuña


The rare gem of the Andes. Vicuñas produce the world's finest wool. Slender and elegant, their golden fleece was once reserved for royalty. Unravel their majestic story!

Image of Alpaca


Soft-fleeced Andean native. Smaller than llamas, alpacas are prized for luxurious fibers. Gentle demeanor, ideal for farming. Curious about their silky touch? Dive in!

Image of Llama


Tall, regal, and versatile. Llamas are both pack animals and guards. With their unique personalities and strong build, they've been man's mountain companion for centuries. Explore more!


Guanaco FAQ:

  1. Where can you find wild guanacos?
    Guanacos roam freely in many parts of South America, especially in the grasslands and mountains of Patagonia.
  2. How fast can a guanaco run?
    They're swift animals, reaching speeds up to 35 miles per hour when necessary.
  3. Are guanacos endangered?
    While not critically endangered, guanaco populations have declined due to hunting and habitat loss. Conservation efforts are in place in many regions.

Vicuña FAQ:

  1. Why is vicuña wool so expensive?
    Vicuña wool is incredibly fine, soft, and warm. Given the animal's rarity and the wool's superior quality, it's highly sought after.
  2. How often can you shear a vicuña?
    Unlike alpacas, vicuñas are sheared only once every two years, making their fleece even more rare.
  3. Where do vicuñas live in the wild?
    Vicuñas are found in the high alpine areas of the Andes, particularly in parts of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.

Alpaca FAQ:

  1. What's the difference between alpacas and llamas?
    While both are Andean natives, alpacas are notably smaller and are primarily bred for their soft, luxurious fibers, whereas llamas are often used as pack animals.
  2. How often do alpacas need to be sheared?
    Typically once a year, usually in the spring. Regular shearing ensures their health and yields high-quality fleece.
  3. Are alpacas friendly to humans?
    Absolutely! Alpacas are generally gentle and curious, making them popular among farmers and pet enthusiasts.

Llama FAQ:

  1. How much weight can a llama carry?
    Llamas are sturdy animals and can typically carry about 50-75 pounds for several miles.
  2. Do llamas spit?
    They can, especially when they feel threatened or annoyed. However, they usually give warning signs before doing so.
  3. What's their average lifespan?
    Llamas can live up to 20-30 years with proper care and a healthy environment.

Coded by Gilda Castillo 👩🏻‍💻