Sustainable Clothing and Slowing Fashion

Did you know we can help the environment and slow the impact of fast fashion without sacrificing our style.

Fast fashion is a convienent option for many of us. Brands like Shein, Old Navy, and George are able to crank out the newest styles by the masses. But, it comes with a cost. Both for our environment, health, and the quality of life of those producing it.

I am not here to dissuade you for using these companies, only to be aware. I'd like to provide you tips on where to find quality garments and how to care for them. And know there are steps you can take to extend the longevity of your fast fashion garments, where to donate them when you are done, and thus making it more sustainable.

Ideally, we would like to see these big brands change how they deal with the waste produced from making these garments. Better protection for the workers within these factories. While normalizing repeat styles and slowing fashion.

Check out 99 brands that are Sustainable Clothing options
Coded by Misha Mcginnis