What is a Virtual Assistant

And why do you need them?

A virtual assistant is an employee who works remotely and offers administrative, technical, or other specialized support services to clients. They are typically self-employed and operate on a contract or freelance basis. Oftentimes, virtual assistants are highly skilled professionals with specializations in graphic design, web development, or digital marketing. They perform their tasks for organizations and individuals without having to be physically present in the client's workplace on a part-time, project-specific, or permanent basis. Virtual assistants communicate with clients through email, phone, video calls, and collaboration tools, making it possible for them to support clients anywhere in the world. Clients can get the help they require through this remote working arrangement without having to pay the overhead costs of hiring a full-time, inside employee.

Virtual Assistant

Here are some example of Virtual Assistant specialization

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Coded by Ma. Christabel Hilvano