cookie monster


Om nom om nom nom


C is for Cookie and it's good enough for me! Cookie Cookie Cookie starts with C.
This message brought to you by the letter C. Endorsed by Aria, my 3 year old daughter. I let her choose all the aspects of this page, including this text.

Did you know?
John Lennon's song "Hold On", recorded in 1970 (only a year after Sesame Street debuted), features Lennon shouting "Cookie!" in Cookie Monster's voice, in the middle of the instrumental break in an otherwise calm, quiet song.
Ringo Starr, aware of Lennon's love for Cookie Monster, also screams "Cookie!" in Cookie Monster's voice in his song "Early 1970", released in 1971. Source: Cookie_Monster Wiki

Learn about the bizzare "C is for Cookie" Opera inspired by Aida, and more on Wikipedia