Rass Garba


Garba is a form of Gujarati dance which originates from the state of Gujarat in India. The name is derived from the Sanskrit term Garbha. Many traditional garbas are performed around a centrally lit lamp or a picture or statue of the Goddess Shakti.
Rass Garba is one of the many forms of dancing I love to take part in. My favourite part of garba is the dressing up - there are the endless variety of colourful outfits, music, cheerful and happy people. At the begining the dance pace is easy and gradually gets faster as the music gets faster. There are so many different types of garba dances so anyone can easily learn and join. The garba events around navratri are always jam packed. Die hard garba fans wait all year long for navratri to come around. more info

dancing-girls-colourful-outfits outdoor-garba-venue-packed-joyfully-dancing garba-dancing-with-grace outdoor-garba-venue-packed-with-people-outdoors-bright-lights-colourful-outfits