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History of Tisanes as Herbal Remedies

Herbal teas have a long history all over the world. Herbal tea is simply an infusion of any edible plant. It is available in huge varieties and can be made using many different ingredients, including tree bark, flowers, leaves, roots, spices, seeds, and fruit. Some argue that herbal tea is not technically a “tea” because it does not come from the Camellia Sinensis, the tea plant. Traditional Chinese Medicine is famous for using herbal teas to heal countless ailments and afflictions. Herbal tea also has a medicinal history in Sri Lanka, Egypt, and Greece. Many cultures make herbal tea for spiritual benefit and believe it opens up the heart and mind to a spiritual connection.

For the majority of human history, herbal teas have been the beverage of choice. The earliest verbal record of herbal teas dates back to 2737 BC in China. In written history, we can find records of herbal tea that go as far back as the third century AD. These teas spread from China to Egypt to Japan, and then to Europe and beyond. You may hear herbal tea called a “tisane” in Europe.

Health Benefits of Tea

Herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, and ginger tea offer several health-promoting properties and could help improve heart health, digestion, sleep quality, and more. Here are some we recommend:

rosehip tea

RoseHip Tea

Several older studies have found that rose hip powder may help reduce inflammation and improve symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, including pain.


Hibiscus Tea

In addition to its bold color and unique flavor, hibiscus tea offers healthful properties. In fact, though research is mixed, some studies show that hibiscus could significantly reduce total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, along with blood pressure


Peppermint Tea

Though peppermint tea is most popularly used to support digestive health, it also has antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

Learn more about health boosting teas >>

Mood Benefits of Tea

In mild forms, herbal teas may work to lift your mood and fight the physical symptoms of depression. For centuries, people have been drinking herbal tea for its natural benefits and pleasant taste. Here are some we recommend:


Chamomile Tea

A cup of chamomile tea can help to reduce stress and alleviate anxiety. Chamomile is well-known for its relaxing properties, and makes a soothing, aromatic cup of tea that’s perfect for any time of day. Since chamomile is also a very mild sedative, it can help you to calm down both physically and mentally.


Lavender Tea

Drinking lavender tea before bed can help you achieve more restful sleep. According to multiple scientific studies, lavender tea helps calm brain function by triggering chemical reactions in the nervous system. Lavender tea boosts the production of dopamine and reduces the stress hormone known as cortisol. One such study found that lavender increases the percentage of deep slow-wave sleep, which is considered the restorative sleep phase.


Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass improves blood circulation which ultimately clears up your skin by treating oily textures. It’s also great for reducing anxiety and stress, as well as promoting sleep. The lemongrass aroma can also be used to freshen the air and uplift your mood.

Learn more about mood boosting teas >>

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