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What Would Happen If You Ate Only Raw Fruits And Vegetables For 90 Days?

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A raw vegan diet includes healthy fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains and legumes — which may lower diabetes and heart disease risk and aid weight loss and digestion when well planned. Back in January, my friend Julie challenged me to try something new - eating exclusively raw fruits and veggies for the next three months. At first I was a bit skeptical, as a lifelong lover of cooked meals. But I was curious to see how my body might feel switching to a more natural, unprocessed way of eating. So I decided to give it a try and document my experience. Here's what happened over the past 90 days of my raw food experiment.

Fruits and vegetables bowl

The first week was an adjustment. Let me tell you, eating everything raw takes some getting used to! I missed popping things in the oven or onto the stove. But I stocked up on snacks like apples, carrots, nut clusters and made big salads with lots of different veggies my main meals. Staying hydrated was key, as all that fiber needs water to move through your system.
By the end of the first week, I was feeling lighter and more energized though. As the weeks went on, I noticed my digestion really smoothing out. No more bloating or stomach aches like I used to get occasionally. My skin also started glowing - I think all the antioxidants and vitamins from fresh produce were doing my body good on the inside and out. Another perk was saving time since I didn't have to cook. I could just wash things and crunch right into meals and snacks anytime I needed fuel.
And the weight loss😮, I never thought I'd be able to shed weight that fast!

Healthy eating habits

By month two, I felt so in tune with my hunger and fullness signals. Eating raw attuned me to eating slower and really tasting my food. Processed cravings had faded too. It was interesting figuring out creative ways to enjoy salad-based meals and smoothies without getting bored of the basics like lettuce and fruit. Following Instagram raw foodies helped with recipe inspiration.
Instagram: @fullyrawkristina
Now at the three month mark, I felt this was a lifestyle I could continue part-time even after my experiment ends. My energy levels were through the roof and I'd never felt healthier.I'm glad I gave it a try - it opened my eyes to the benefits of focusing on nature's perfect foods in their most simple, nutrient-rich forms.

Danving veggies Learn more on Vegan First