I love
Yerba Mate 🩷

mate drink

The most popular drink in Argentina 🇦🇷

It's a fact, Argentinians love Yerba Mate and they don’t go a day without drinking it. It is a traditional South American drink and it can also be found in Uruguay, parts of Chile and Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil. This caffeine-rich infused drink is made from dried leaves called yerba mate mixed with hot water. Yerba mate leaves are dried chopped and ground into a powder. It is then drunk through a metal straw known in Argentina as a Bombilla. Mate is not just the equivalent of our cup of tea that we drink as and when we want. For Argentinians, Mate also has a ritual attached to it. It is normally drunk in social settings at family gatherings or with friends. The mate cup and the bombilla are shared between everyone. One person is nominated to be the cebador and they take on the task of serving and preparing the mate.
Yerba Mate happens to also have very unique health properties. Check out the health benefits of mate!