
Please, hit like a girl

When being a woman in this world feels like a disadvantage, we turn to the things that will empower and affirm how capable we are, how deserving we are of safety and security. When we can self-advocate and be our own greatest ally, we can continue to build up other women, and create the space we need to be seen and respected.
What do we turn to? It’s different for everyone. For me, it’s kickboxing.
The website x3sports lists their top six benefits of women participating in kickboxing, and three particularly strong examples include:

There is so much that kickboxing can offer to women. In a 2015 article written by Diana Alvear, the true passion and grit of a female kickboxer is communicated perfectly.

"You learn that your body is beautiful, not because of what it looks like but what it can DO. That’s a wisdom no one can take from you because it comes from deep inside. You’ve got to earn it."
- Diana Alvear

Coded by Bri McNulty