Pleurotus djamor

Pleurotus djamor, pink oyster mushroom

Pink oyster mushrooms

Pink oyster mushrooms, scientifically known as Pleurotus djamor, are a species of mushroom usually found on trees, forming dense clusters of a vivid pink color.

Pleurotus djamor is a pan-tropical species, which means that it grows everywhere in the world where there's a tropical climate. Notable examples of countries with these climates include Brazil, Malaysia, Peru, and Argentina.

The Pleurotus genus is among the most common and widespread edible fungi in the world. The taste of pink oyster mushrooms has been described to be similar to bacon, with a noticeable umami taste and meaty texture. Just a heads up, though: if you plan on trying these mushrooms raw, be prepared for a sour surprise.

Several studies have shown that this mushroom contains antibiotic, anticarcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties, among other health benefits.

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