Wildlife Photography

The Power of Wildlife Photography

"Photography brings us face-to-face with nature in a way that we cannot ignore, stirring conscience and inspiring passion for our planet: in sharing photographs of what we may lose, we inspire the world to protect what we still have".

Sluth Green Turtle Canario Bird monkey

Art has always helped humans connect to the natural world, from early humans' haunting images of bison and mammoths to the beautifully detailed illustrations in Victorian botanical journals. And then came photography. It emerged slowly, often accompanied by suspicion and derision. When an early editor of National Geographic magazine wanted to include photographs, some members of the board resigned in protest. But perhaps what the editor recognized was the power of photography to transport people to places they cannot go, and to see things they would otherwise never see—in a way that text cannot convey. A picture is worth a thousand words and nature needs pictures more than ever.