Find Your Inner Peace

Woman meditating

Yoga benefits beyond the mat

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been shown to have a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. It is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote overall well-being.

A better body image

Yoga develops inner awareness. It focuses your attention on your body's abilities at the present moment. It helps develop breath and strength of mind and body. It's not about physical appearance.

Yoga studios typically don't have mirrors. This is so people can focus their awareness inward rather than how a pose — or the people around them — looks. Surveys have found that those who practiced yoga were more aware of their bodies than people who didn't practice yoga. They were also more satisfied with and less critical of their bodies. For these reasons, yoga has become an integral part in the treatment of eating disorders and programs that promote positive body image and self-esteem.

Cardiovascular benefits

Several small studies have found yoga to have a positive effect on cardiovascular risk factors: it helped lower blood pressure in people who have hypertension. It's likely that the yoga restores "baroreceptor sensitivity." This helps the body senses imbalances in blood pressure and maintain balance.

Another study found that practicing yoga improved lipid profiles in healthy patients, as well as in patients with known coronary artery disease. It also lowered excessive blood sugar levels in people with non-insulin dependent diabetes and reduced their need for medications. Yoga is now being included in many cardiac rehabilitation programs due to its cardiovascular and stress-relieving benefits.

Find balance for your mind, body, and spirit at yoga. Experience tranquility and enhance your vitality through mindful breaths and empowering poses.

Coded by Natália Thomé