Volunteering with the British Red Cross!

The Power of Kindness

Squid Games

My Experience

Summer of 2022, I began my journey with the British Red Cross (BRC) as a summer intern, where I spent a week virtually with, the Manager of the On Campus department, Mike Baxter. The On Campus department collaborates with university students to fundraise and raise awareness for the BRC. During this time, I learned about the organisation and the incredible impact they have in the UK and around the world. I assisted the manager in creating online materials for university students and utilised my video editing skills to enhance Zoom videos for on-campus groups.

What I did

After my work experience, I wanted to carry forward the skills I had learnt and decided to establish a charity group within Malvern College. My aim was to increase awarenesss and organise events that raised funds for the BRC and their efforts in supporting Ukraine. As president of the BRC in Malvern College, I facilitate meetings, set goals for the group, and foster a collaborative environment while passing down the skills I acquired from my work experience with the BRC. Volunteering with the BRC has enhanced my organisational and communication abilities as I have balanced volunteering with completing my A levels.

Squid Games

After several months of planning, we were able to execute a fun-filled day of games, inspired by the infamous nextflix tv show. We organized this event under the anti-lonliness campaign in which we thought bringing people together for some fun games would tackel anti-lonliness.

Squid Games

Squid Games

Squid Games

The Power of Volunteering

Volunteering has a profound impact on society. Not only will you gain valuable transferable skills, volunteering allows you to make a positive impact on a wider community. You will be able to find like-minded individuals who belive in important issues and want to do something about it.

Coded by Qi Qi Saw