
They're friends, not food


Pigs are sentient beings. They think, feel, and have unique personalities. Pigs are very social animals who even snuggle up nose to nose while sleeping if kept in groups. They are very chatty, with a vocabulary of over 20 different sounds. Through high-pitched squeals, pigs can communicate fear, distress, and pain to other pigs, while low grunting signals content. They also have exceptional senses. Pigs have evolved to have high-frequency hearing and they have an amazing sense of smell thanks to very sensitive noses, but they also see the world very differently from us. This is because their eyes are set on the sides of their head giving them a 310° panoramic view of the world around them. Pigs don’t have functioning sweat glands, that’s why they love to wallow in mud during the day, to keep nice and cool. Mud also provides the added bonus of protection from the sun. They're not messy pigs, just sun-safe pigs! But pigs are naturally very clean animals and when given the proper amount of space, will always poop well away from their feeding and sleeping areas.

But pigs don't need to prove they're smart to earn the right to live.
Pigs are sentient beings who deserve the same love and respect all people deserve.

To the left is an image of me and Regan the pig, who I rescued one night from a filthy pig farm in Canada. She had a severe rectal blockage when I rescued her, something a lot of pigs have to endure within this industry. She felt love and freedom for the first time, for only 2 short months before she sadly passed away due to the blockage.
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Click here to learn about speciesism, the human-held belief that all other animal species are inferior.