β˜•οΈ Flat White Coffee

πŸ€” What is a flat white?

A flat white is an espresso drink with two shots of espresso with a layer of frothy microfoam from steamed milk. It’s a smaller volume drink, and though some like to compare it to a latte or a cappuccino, it has a decent amount of milk but only a little amount of foam, technically microfoam.

😌 Who would like a flat white?

The flat white is perfect for people who don't like a lot of milk or extra froth in their coffee. So if you're looking for a new, soothing drink to start your day, the flat white is the way to go!

😎 Want to learn how to make a flat white?

Click on the button below to sign up, and we will email you a tutorial video but before you do, here are the ingredients you will need:
