the french dispatch
the french dispatch
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Andersons visual uniqueness


Anderson has been noted for extensive use of flat space camera moves, symmetrical compositions, a deliberately limited color palette, and handmade art direction often utilizing miniatures. These stylistic choices give his movies a distinctive quality that has provoked much discussion. Many writers, critics, and Anderson himself have commented that this gives his movies the feel of being "self-contained worlds" or a "scale-model household".


the french dispatch

"But it's also what surrounds it, where all the actors stay in the same hotel. We have dinner at one table every single night with Wes and all guests; it's like actor camp... On a Wes Anderson film there are no trailers, no dressing rooms... there's no hierarchy, no call sheet—you are just ready to go at about 9:30, 10:00 in the morning in your wardrobe. You hop in his golf cart with him or a van and you go to the set... you hang out with everyone so you never know if you are going to be called into a scene. He's such a kind and generous spirit... also in his personal life. Everyone makes the same amount of money. You just show up and off you go. Sometimes you might [be] just a small supporting role in a scene and then [in] others you'll be the lead in a movie."
(-Bryan Cranston Talks New Movie, Retirement Rumors, Dance Moves, 2023)


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