Stigma is defined as: A discrace, dishonor or shame brought to a circumstance, quality or person. A majority of people in the US, still thinks of those that have a mental illness as: "crazy" or "attention seeking". I feel that is why individuals are ashamed to ask for or admit that they need help, in most cases. I know for a fact, that was for me so many years ago. Being someone that suffers from multiple mental health disorders myself, it makes me sick to see the shape of our mental health system in the United States. Mainly, in the private sector. Hopefully one day, we can all change that. The reason I get the amazing help I need, is because of being a veteran. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here, writing this. I'm encouraging you to help end the stigma. There are people out there that need you, if you just listen. Sometimes listening is all they need.
Change starts at home, by us istening to our children. Validate their feelings and thoughts. You should know them better than anyone. I make mental health a big deal at home. I think it's very important for your children to know you have their back. Not just because you are their parent but because you are what happens to them in the future. Therapy is for mental healthy people also. There is a saying, that goes along the lines of, "you shouldn't go to a therapist, that doesn't have a therapist". Even Therapists need to decompress the feelings and emotions they experience to be great providers.