in high heels
Dancing in heels can be a challenge, especially if you're just starting
out. High heels, often called Stiletto dance, is a dance genre that had
growing popularity in the United States, Europe and globally from the
late twentieth-century and early twenty-first century. The style can be
distinguished by one factor and that is that the dance is named after
style of shoes that women often wear. During a heels class, the dancers
will first and foremost learn the correct way on how to walk in heels.
They learn different types of moments and techniques in which the body
can use during the dance, fun fact about high heels is that you can
incorporate many of the techniques in different genres of dance such as
jazz, gogo dancing, Latin and ballroom, hiphop, burlesque etc.
Learn more on Erasmus Dance Society
Coded by Natalie Elvsbrant