Coding is a different kind of art, it's the art of technology📟

Hi everyone I'm Starr Crawford. Ever since I was a kid I have had my fingers in the paint quite literaly and figuratively. I have always loved every thing art and was partial to books, music, and drawing. Although I was drawn to those the most everything that is an art form appealed and attracted me cooking, baking, pottery, painting, design, and writing.

Now I have always been alured by the concept of creating technology and found the programmers and hackers that I read about in my books really cool, I thought of them as incredibly intelligent. In the past due to personal problems my school grades tanked throughout highschool and I found myself feeling as if I was not intelligent enough to do anything in the technological field when I couldn't even improve in the artistic sense.

A few weeks ago I saw this video on youtube about an addicted gamer who turned his life around and became a software engineer after he took a chance on a programing course his friend recommended to him and it made me realize that I can code and the reason it makes me happy and challenges me is because it is just another form of art, coding is the art of technology.

Skillshare art class