
Is it a recent trend?

Makeup has been around for the longest time. It all probably began with Egyptians using eyeliner and Chinese people staining their fingernails about 3,000 years ago.
In Mongolia, women of royal families painted red spots on the center of their cheeks, very much like blush nowadays. The Middle East was a pioneer on lipstick and solid perfume and in Japan, giesha were also using lipstick and sticks of bintsuke wax as makeup base . Some Native American tribes painted their faces for ceremonial events or battle. Similar practices were followed by Aboriginals in Australia.
In the Roman Empire, the use of cosmetics was common amongst prostitutes and rich women and it was considered sinful. Until royalty straighten their status by having pale skin with the help of white powder or white led paint.
Around 1910, make-up became fashionable in the United States of America and Europe. In the 20s, the Flapper style influenced the cosmetics industry, embracing dark eyes, red lipstick and red nail polish. After WWII there was a makeup boom and the rest is history.
People wear makeup because it’s a way of expressing themselves. And just like some took up baking during the 2020 pandemic, some started to apply and wear makeup cause it is a lot of fun.

Learn more about the history of makeup