Sea Turtles

Amazing facts about Seaturtles

Sea turtles are amazing creatures. They were already swimming the prehistoric seas at the time of the dinosaurs. Today, there are seven existing species of sea turtles. They can be found in all oceans, except for the polar regions, both on the high seas and near coasts. Like all reptiles, they are lung breathers, and must surface for air. Yet they spend most of their lives in a marine environment. Sea turtles are known to migrate long distances up to 10,000 miles or more per year.

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A Sea Turtle's Life

Sea turtle eggs are hatched by the sun. Once the baby turtles are hatched, they make their way to the sea where they will spend the rest of their lives. Only the female turtles will come ashore during nesting season, to lay their eggs on sandy beaches. Adults may eat a wide variety of plant and animal life. Today, all species are classfied as endangered or vulnerable.
Discover which human activities pose a threat to sea turtles over the course of their lives!

Support the Sea Turtles

Like all marine animals, sea turtles are affected by climate change. Furthermore, marine debris will do harm to the large reptiles. Other outcomes of human activities like noise, light pollution and beach development are affecting their habitats negatively.
Find out what you can do to protect the sea turtles!

Page built by: Stefanie Volk
All photographs on this page: Pixabay