Books books book! Why books? Why read? I can not have a better phrased answer than written by these authors.

Brain Benefits of Reading 5 Benefits of Reading

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” —Jim Rohn.

What to read

Many find it hard to decide what to read even when they know that reading is good.
Well, why don't you start with your areas of interest? Still not sure where to start?
Listed below are some different variety of areas you may find interesting.

Which of the above topics will be of interest to you? You can be sure I am more inclined towards Personal Development. That is why it is on top of the list. Such books have helped me know myself, make good decsions, improve my relationships with others, improve my financial status and become a good mentor. The above list is not exhausitive but will definitely lead you to some areas of your interest.

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