The Window of Tolerance

Woman behind a window

What is a Window of Tolerance?

A handy psychological information of a site (see link below) explains: "We all have windows of what we're able to tolerate; employing this concept in both parents and children can be a productive way to support children in broadening their ability to tolerate and cope with uncomfortable emotions like anxiety. Our body is always releasing hormones to try to keep us as level as possible (homeostasis). When our hormones are more level (within our window of tolerance), we feel more able to handle situations appropriately. Within this window, we are adaptable, able to emotionally self-regulate, and deal with triggers more harmoniously. However, we all have a limit of what we're able to tolerate at any given time. When things become too much for us to tolerate, our hormones respond in one of two ways out of our window: We either shut down or plummet into a hypo-aroused state (the parasympathetic nervous system is engaged, which is the freeze response to stress/danger). In this state, we may feel overwhelmed with shame, numb to emotions, withdraw, feel depressed, or dissociate in order to cope with the situation or trigger. or we shoot up into a hyper-aroused state (the sympathetic nervous system is ignited, which is the fight/flight response to stress or danger). In this state, we may feel fizzy with intense hormonal activity; we may feel angry, chaotic, hypervigilant, or experience anxiety and the accompanying symptoms."

Window of Tolerance

How can the concept of the Window of Tolerance help you?

It's nice and handy to know where you stand in this window. To know if you can handle the next party or work meeting or classes. Sometimes some activities can be too much. Knowing when it is too much is super handy: you don't get overstressed or tired. It isn't avoidable though: sometimes it can be too much. But it's healthy to stay most of the time in the middle of this window, where you can handle everything. Knowing what makes you get more anxious or down, can strengthen you in making decisions. So try doing the things which make you stay in your Window of Tolerance. Don't be too harsh on yourself! You can do this!

How can you make sure you can stay in the Window of Tolerance?

You can control your own actions and You can do these actions to help stay in and possible broaden your window of tolerance:

Try to listen to what your body is telling you (be mindful) ask yourself:

➑️ This link ⬅️

is the source of the image and the psychological information under "What is a Window of Tolerance?" and will provide you more information about the Window of Tolerance and how to expand it.

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