Busy Planner

aesthetic photo of bullet journal and accessories

I found bullet journalling during Covid 😷 lockdown. I happened upon Amanda Rach Lee youtube channel and I was hooked! Since then I've collected numerous bullet journals and "bujo" accessories.

With three young children, as a SAHM I can barely find time to bujo 💆🏻‍♀️ More importantly, it became increasingly difficult 😮‍💨 to do non-routine tasks like shopping around for new car insurance when I am preoccupied with just keeping them watered and fed 🌱 Never mind grand projects like clearing out the attic 🙈

My two passions, bullet journalling and my children, give me joy but in different ways

This is where the bookmark-shaped planner below comes in handy. With young children to look after, I know I can only fit a few tasks in any given day ⏳ This simple planner gives that focus on those few tasks that can escape me on those busy days 💅

Give it a try and enter your plans below. These can be digitally printed and saved as a wallpaper on your device.

Coded by Cristina Meehan