I love Music

My Favourite Song is called Dandelions by Ruth B


The first time I heard Dandelions, a friend had recommended since we have the same taste in music. Prior to that, I had already been listening to most of Ruth B's songs but this one pulled my heartstrings. I was in a really bad space and definetely needed something reviving to start working on myself in terms of healing from past traumas that were resulting in depression and anxiety. One thing about me is I listen to music on the basis of deeply understanding the depths of what message the writer actually meant to share because I believe music is a form of expression and artists execute their emotions through it. Dandelions is about love, hope and optimism towards the future and honestly that's what I needed then and still need till date whenever I lose sight of the vision and get caught up in my head. In a nutshell, I love music beyonds words and Dandelions by Ruth B is an absolute masterpiece, I would highly recommend to anyone who loves music as much as I do.

You can check out Dandelions here by following this

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