A meeting place for tea lovers

Be it on breakfast, the 5pm bliss, or for a good night sleep, it's always tea time!


"Tea Time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings" - Letitia Baldrige


Tea origins

Asian roots

Tea originated in the region encompassing today's Northeast India, north Myanmar, Southwest China and Tibet, where it was used as a medicinal drink by various ethnic groups in the region. It was popularised as a recreational drink during the Chinese Tang dynasty, and tea drinking spread to other East Asian countries. Portuguese priests and merchants introduced it to Europe during the 16th century. During the 17th century, drinking tea became fashionable among the English, who started to plant tea on a large scale in India.

We invite you to explore this magic tradition Read more


A cup of good health

The benefits of drinking tea

Tea contains substances linked to a lower risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The main health-promoting substances in tea are polyphenols, in particular catechins and epicatechins. Lab and animal studies say these molecules have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Harvard-led studies of large groups of people over time have found that tea or coffee drinkers are at lower risk for diabetes and possibly cardiovascular disease. It fits in perfectly well with a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Read the full-length article: "Tea: A cup of good health?"