sak yant

don't be a

paper tiger

a person or thing that appears threatening but is ineffectual.

A paper tiger is someone who at first glance seems to be in charge but who, on closer examination, is completely powerless.
This phrase comes from an old Chinese idiom, which describes a paper tiger as a "blustering, harmless fellow,"
and which was popularized when Mao Zedong was quoted in 1956 calling the United States a paper tiger.
The idiom makes sense when you think of how terrifying a real tiger is — and how harmless a paper version would be.
(Read full definition and origin on Wikipedia).

Paper Tiger also refers to a brilliant stand-up comedy special by internet's angriest comedian, Bill Burr. Stream it on Netflix.

Don't be a paper tiger, be a real tiger.

paper rip
Coded by Veronica Julia Prigan