Jesus Christ โœ

The King of Kings

Jesus the good sheperd

"I am the good sheperd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me-just as the Father knows me and I know the Father..." (John 10:14)

I am not religious , I don't like social lables or anything that puts me in a box; making outisiders think they have me figured out. I prefer to consider myself apart, I tend to astray from actions and choices that limit my way of thinking as I love learning and I despise the feeling of the unknown. I love knowing all, I love experiencing all, and this tends to lead to ways where lacking control of my life feels like a ticking emotional time bomb. I considered myself smart and wise for my age, but it seemed that I was the one putting myself in this box by feeling like I was in control of my life. See, I worked hard and was rewarded, recognized for my talents and social differences, and I liked the mystery that I led in my life. However, I always seem to feel like there was more to life. I think this a question that many people ponder, we all try different things, determined to find that missing puzzle piece.

"If you seek him, he will be found by you." (1 Chronnicles 28:9). These are the words I came across after encountering udeniable Holy experiences within my own life. As someone who hated boxes, I realized that I was boxed in my whole life. Jesus Christ opened my eyes, and through my faithfullness, in the moments where I questioned his very existence, He showed me my ways and with releasing my pride, He renewed me. I began seeing the world from a new mind and experiencing this earth with a new soul. Some people may look at the life I live and think it is human tendecies to lean towards religion in times of crisis. However, like I said I am not religious, but I am a witness to miracles and the works of Jesus Christ. He is not a white man's religion, he is for the people. He isn't a figure that parents use to scare their kids to be good. Jesus Christ is the man that knows you inside and out, and regardless of what you've done or who you are... He meets you right where you're at and doesn't see you for your past but for your future. He is my good shepherd.

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