Meet my Stabyhoun Puppy

Her name is Leon

Puppy Leon

Leon is a Stabyhoun. The Stabyhoun, or Stabijhoun or Stabij (in Frisian), is one of the rarest dog breeds in the world. It hails from the Dutch province of Friesland; its origins
lie in the forested region of eastern and southeastern Friesland. The breed has been mentioned in Dutch literature dating back to the early 1800s, but it was not until the
1960s that the breed became known outside its native province; the first Stabyhouns left the Netherlands some decades later, in the 2000s. The name Stabijhoun translates
roughly to "stand by [me] dog". The dog is considered a Dutch national treasure. Today, there are only a few thousand Stabyhouns worldwide.
Learn more about a Stabyhoun

Leon is 10 weeks old and she loves to play, go for walks and love to meet new people. So is you want to take her for a walk, make
sure you click the button below and leave your emailadres, we will reach-out to you!

This page was built by Mieke van Doornmalen