
World of Japanese animation

Anime, referring to animated productions made in Japan, is said to have first come about more than 100 years ago in 1917. But the popularity of the Japanese art form wasn’t as widespread until the 1960s when the first anime was broadcast on television. This honour belongs to Astro Boy (a.k.a. Mighty Atom). Today, 100s of new anime series are broadcast yearly, only growing in popularity with each passing year. With anime, you can have a special relation to each of the series. Not only did they draw you in, each for their own reasons, but the art styles, voice acting, music and score, complex themes and thought-provoking nature of many of them make them stand out to me. You would watched each of these shows more than once, with the second watching providing a lot more appreciation for each.

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coded by Karabo Makhubedu