
Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply threat or yarn. The craft has been depicted worldwide with early examples from various countries. The fabrics and yarns that are used in traditional embroidery can vary from place to place. However, wool, linen, as well as silk, have been used for thousands of years for both the fabric and the yarn. It is now common to use cotton, rayon and novelty yarn along with the traditional wool, cotton and silk. Other materials such as pearls, beads and sequins may be incorporated for decorative purposes. An embroidery hoop can also be used to stretch the material and ensure an even stitching tension, preventing the pattern from distorting.

Basic techniques in hand embroidery include chain stitch, blanket/buttonhole stitch, running stitch, satin stitch and cross stitch. The process used to tailor, patch, mend and reinforce cloth led to the beginning of various sewing techniques. In addition, the decorative possibilities of sewing further led to the development of embroidery.

🧵Learn Beginner Stitches


🧵Learn Intermediate Stitches

The modern use of embroidery includes decorating items such as hats, coats, blankets, dress shirts, denim, dresses, stockings, scarves and golf shirts. Embroidering by hand has become very popular since the early 2010s. This may be due to social media allowing many artists to share their work and inspire younger generations to learn how to embroider and find a way to relax and disconnect.