the essencial guide

...that you definitely need to know while in quarantine!

Wellness at home

Many of the benefits of yoga stem from the ability to unplug and focus on what’s going on in your body and in your life right now. Ready to get started?

Home sessions

There are classic movies you know are good and you know you’d enjoy – but that, in usual circumstances, you just can't commit to, you know? This is the perfect time to watch them!

The cooking masterclass

If there was ever an opportunity to spend more time experimenting in the kitchen, this is it – after all, you’re likely to be pretty much stuck there for the foreseeable.

Catch up on literary

You know that pile of books that you haven’t ever quite managed to get into? There’ll never be a better time to conquer it.

Inspire yourself on the next vacation

Around the world travel is possible, you just have to decide where you’re willing to take the first step and start planning your itinerary.

Clear out some stuff: Marie Kondo style

Kondo's famous KonMari method is what you'll need to focus on. Apparently, it's great for the eyes and mind.