From Chile With Love

Ode to the Completo Chileno


Pablo Neruda wrote odes to Chilean foods, but he left out one of the most beloved of all: the completo. The completo italiano is easily Chile’s most beloved street food. Some might think it is a hot dog, but don’t be fooled...

Everything is better with avocado.

A completo starts out with the same basic ingredients as a traditional hot dog but is then supplied with a unique set of toppings. The traditional Chilean “completo” includes bread, sausage, sauerkraut, chopped tomatoes and an ample serving of mayonnaise. However, the real beloved completo italiano includes mashed avocado, chopped tomato and mayonnaise. On top of the completo italiano , Chileans will often add ketchup, mustard or spicy ají – a green 🌶️ sauce – to complete their completo.

Chilean completos have been around for some 80 years. Many suggest Chile’s very first completo shop started in the heart of historic Santiago, Plaza de Armas, where you can still find plenty of completo eateries today. Actually in Chile, the completo italiano is one of the most widely available dishes, served at a variety of different eateries. Los completos have a fully dedicated day and can be found in street stalls, bus stations, fast food restaurants, and - nearly - everywhere!

Besides the traditional completo and the completo italiano, there are dozens of other variations of the Chilean completo. They all start out like the original hot dog with a bun and sausage, but are added with different extra ingredients. The completo dinámico, for example, has chopped tomato, sauerkraut, palta, a green sauce with chopped parsley, mayonnaise and a carrot, onion and pickle relish. Many of the Chilean completo styles are given names based on different nationalities. The completo gringo, for example, includes tomato, pickles, lettuce, onions and mayonnaise, while the completo Brasileño, includes melted cheese and avocado, resembling the green and yellow of the Brazilian flag.

They are long, they are lavishly topped and they are messy! Don't forget to take a few extra napkins when you try your first completo!
