What Does Your Moon Sign Say About You?

A simple guide for total Astrology beginners

Now, there's lots of things that come into play when looking at the planets and lumaries in someone's chart.

To fully understand how your placements affect you, you'd have to consider details like the sign that they're occupied by, where they reside in your chart, which kind of aspects they form with other planets - as well many other major and more nunanced factors.

The vast amount of information you can pull out of a single placement can be quite overwhelming when you just started learning about Astrology - so for the sake of keeping it sweet and simple, we're only going to look at the sign of your moon today.

☽~ The Moon in Astrology ~☾

In astrology the moon represents our inner world — our emotional expression, desires, needs, fears and what we need in order to feel safe and loved.

The overall energy and tendencies of the sign that it sits in, will already tell you a lot about the way you move through life in regards to feeling.

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coded by Cheryl Ugbogu