Matthew 18:1-3

"Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"

Matthew 18:1-3 with blurred, colourful abstract art as background

Whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom: Jesus then addressed the issue of greatness. When we most fulfill the humble place a child had in that culture, we are then on our way to greatness in His kingdom. i. “Humbles himself does not refer to arbitrary asceticism or a phoney false modesty… but the acceptance of an inferior position (as Jesus did, Philippians 2:8, where the same phrase is used).” (France) ii. “Children do not try to be humble, but they are so; and the same is the case with really gracious persons. The imitation of humility is sickening; the reality is attractive.” (Spurgeon) iii. We know that one Man was actually the greatest in the kingdom: Jesus Christ. This means that Jesus Himself was humble like a little child. He wasn’t concerned about his own status. He didn’t have to be the center of attention. He could not deceive, and He didn’t have an intimidating presence.

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