Do you want your children to LOVE learning God's Word?

Consider Bible Quizzing!
It is a great way to encourage
your kids
to study the scriptures

Holy Bible

As a parent, I was at a loss as to how to inspire my children to want to learn God's Word. I didn't want them to do it just because I said so. Also, I had no idea where to start as I was not personally raised in church. The Nazarene church (and other denominations as well) has put together a Bible Quiz Program for kids from preschool through high school.

This program has been a huge blessing to my family!

Children's Quizzing

From preschool through 6th grade, kids meet weekly with a leader to study the "Dig Sites" and review the materials. They have a workbook they can study at home with their parents during the week. A few times a year, the kids get together with other churches to participate in a Quiz Meet. At the Quiz Meets, they are asked multiple choice questions and receive ribbons based on their percent correct. This encourages the kids to "Go for the Gold!"

Teen Quizzing

At 6th grade, NYI (Nazarene Youth International) offers Teen Quizzing. Again the quizzers meet weekly for quiz practice, but now they have quiz meets monthly or more often depending on how competitive the team wants to be. Quizzers are divided into teams of 2 to 5 people and compete against similar teams from other churches at Quiz Meets. There are several rounds at a meet, and each round has 20 questions. A quizzer "quizzes out" if they answer 4 questions correctly in a round. A quizzer "errors out" if they miss 3 questions in a round. Once a quizzer is out, they watch and encourage their team for the rest of the round. At the end of the meet there are awards for top teams and top individual quizzers. Competition can be intense, but for the first 2 years, teen quizzers can compete on "novice" teams which provide a less intense way to learn the quizzing game.

Results I've Seen

My kids enjoy getting to know others their age who desire to know God's Word more deeply. This program has been a wonderful encouragement for my children to desire to study God's Word. They have memorized hundreds of scripture verses over the years, and we have had some really deep conversations that otherwise wouldn't have happened. This year my youngest has memorized 2 of Paul's letters, and is working on memorizing more!

Quizzing Resources

Memory Verse CD for Children's Quizzing
Quiz books and other resources for Teen Quizzing
Online Question Set Maker for Teen Quizzing