
There Are Six Things I Love About My Life

Six things you should love about your life

TIME⏳SPENT ON PERSONAL GROWTH AND GOALS : Being wise to be respectful of my time and annoyed at the needless loss of it.

LIVING MY TRUTH 😐 EVERYDAY : To feel something and believe in it, and not to live it , is lying to yourself.

THE JOY AND FREEDOM 😜 OF AN OPEN MIND : My perspective on things is important ; it enables me to make sense of the life i lead.

RELATIONSHIPS πŸ’• THAT IMPROVE ME : Not about finding someone to lose myself in, but someone to find myself in , bringing out the best in me.

THE STORY πŸ€” I TELL MYSELF EVERYDAY : Creating a positive narrative about my dreams and goals that include only the circumstances that matter.

THE POSITIVE SPIN OF LIFE'S SURPRISES 😲: Far more important than what happens,is what i choose to do with what happens, and my options are abundant .

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