How to Care for Bird's Nest Fern 🌿

birds nest fern

Whether or not you knew what it was called, you’ve probably seen a bird’s nest fern before and thought, “wow, what cool leaves”. Bird’s nest fern (Asplenium nidus) gets its common name from the tightly curled new leaves that emerge from a brown rosette in the center. Supposedly the tiny, unfurled fronds resemble eggs in a bird’s nest (though we’re not sure we see the similarity, if we’re being honest). Once unfurled, the fronds are long, narrow, and oblong, with wavy edges.


Bird’s nest fern is nontoxic to humans, cats, and dogs, according to the
California Poison Control System.


As with most other ferns, consistent watering is essential to keeping this plant alive, according to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF IFAS). It’s not going to forgive you if you abandon it for a few weeks and allow the soil to turn to dust—but you don’t want it to be soggy either. Follow the tried and true trick of sticking your finger in the soil down to your second knuckle and watering only if it’s dry.

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