'Tis the Season of Greetings!

Create your own custom Christmas card

I love Christmas ! And every year in December, you meet your loved ones and share a magical moment together. This year will be different, at least for me. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lots of people will not be able to be reunited. My thoughts especially go to the older family members. Don't forget that they are not as connected as us to the outside world. And this Christmas may feel like the hardest time of the year to be alone.
That is why I came up with the idea of creating FREE custom Xmas cards to make sure they feel loved on this holiday.

Just follow the easy few steps:

...et voilà!

Our elves will print out the card on glossy thick paper and our reindeers will make sure they arrive before Xmas!*



Christmas Card

Hello her/his name!

Your message.

Your name.

*Delivery guaranteed before Christmas for all orders made before December 21st.

Like the idea? Share and spread love!

⏳ Countdown before Christmas here! ⏳
This site was coded by Sartika Vix