But first, skin care.

My morning skin care routine -the break down

-Order Matters-

Skin is naturally designed to be a barrier, to ensure we get the maximum benefits or our skin care products to penetrate, we need to layer them correctly.

  1. Cleanser- First things first, gently cleanse your skin with water or a gentle cleanser specific to your skin type. I use THIS.
  2. Toner- Toners clean out any remnants of dirt and impurities left after cleansing.They also aid in bringing the skin back to a more nuetral pH. Keep in mind, if your cleaser is not very stripping, you may not even need to utilze this step. I personally use them and like the added benefits they bring. I use THIS.
  3. Serums- Serums are potent, nutrient dense treatments that target a specific concern. There are a million and one to choose from, but I like to use Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that scavenges for free radicals, brightens skin, adresses hyperpigmentation, promotes collagen growth, the list goes on. I use Vitamin C pads that I get from a derm office, but have also used THIS as a great alternative.
  4. Eye Cream- As we age, it's inevitable that the skin around our eyes loses taughtness and elasticity. Apply an eye cream daily to promote collagen, maintain plumpness, and prevent crows feet. I LOVE THIS.
  5. Moisturizer- MOISTURIZE MOISTURIZE MOISTURIZE! This is probably the most important step of the routine IMO. Moisturizers hydrate your skin and also act as a sealant, locking in all the nutrient goodness from the previous steps. Think of it as your skin's waterbottle. I've tried many a moisturizer, but absolutely LIVE FOR THIS.
  6. Sunscreen- We've finally made it to the last step: SPF. It's no surprise that we know that UV rays from the sun are damaging to the skin. Just do it guys, don't argue. Protect your skin with a lightweight sunscreen that is at LEAST SPF 30 or higher. I like to use THIS because it's super light weight and doesn't leave any residue.

Interested in spicing up your skin care routine?

Coded by Paulina Sarmiento